How to Use LabEx to Prepare for the RHCSA Certification EX200

8 min readSep 1, 2024


Photo by Luke Peters on Unsplash

As a Linux system administrator, I understand the importance of obtaining the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification. It not only validates one’s skills but also serves as a powerful tool to stand out in the job market. During my preparation for the RHCSA exam, I discovered LabEx, a robust learning platform that greatly aided my studies. Today, I’d like to share my experience and discuss how to effectively use LabEx to increase your chances of passing the RHCSA exam.

RHCSA Exam Overview

The RHCSA is a crucial certification offered by Red Hat, designed to verify IT professionals’ ability to perform core system administration tasks in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux environment. This certification is obtained by passing the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Exam (EX200).

Exam Characteristics

  1. Performance-based: The RHCSA is entirely performance-oriented. You’ll need to complete a series of tasks on a real Linux system, rather than answering multiple-choice questions.
  2. Time-constrained: The exam typically lasts 2.5 hours, requiring candidates to not only possess knowledge but also demonstrate quick problem-solving skills.
  3. No external resources: During the exam, access to the internet or any external documentation is prohibited. You can only rely on the system’s built-in documentation.
  4. Automated grading: After the exam, the system automatically grades your performance, with results usually available within 3 business days.

Exam Content

The RHCSA exam covers several key areas, including but not limited to:

Exam Content
  • Understanding and using essential tools
  • Operating running systems
  • Configuring local storage
  • Creating and configuring file systems
  • Deploying, configuring, and maintaining systems
  • Managing users and groups
  • Managing security
  • Managing containers

Each area encompasses multiple specific tasks. For instance, in the “Understanding and using essential tools” domain, you might need to:

  • Analyze text using grep and regular expressions
  • Access remote systems using SSH
  • Create and edit text files
  • Manage file permissions

Preparation Strategy

Preparing for the RHCSA exam requires systematic learning and extensive practice. Here are some of my recommendations:

  1. Systematic study: Thoroughly review the official Red Hat exam syllabus to ensure you understand each topic.
  2. Hands-on practice: Merely reading is far from sufficient. You need to repeatedly practice each task in a real Linux environment.
  3. Time management: Pay attention to time control during practice, simulating the real exam environment.
  4. Attention to detail: Every task in the exam is important; don’t overlook seemingly simple operations.
  5. Mock exams: Conduct several complete mock exams before the actual test to identify your weaknesses.
preparing for the RHCSA exam using LabEx

LabEx: Your Powerful Ally

During my RHCSA exam preparation, I found LabEx to be an extremely useful tool. Its features align well with the RHCSA exam requirements:

LabEx VM
  1. Practice-oriented: LabEx adopts a “learn by doing” approach, perfectly matching the RHCSA exam’s practical orientation.
  2. Simulated environment: LabEx uses Red Hat Universal Base Image 9 (UBI9) to simulate the exam environment, closely resembling the actual test setting.
  3. Rich experiments: LabEx offers 63 experiments directly related to the RHCSA exam, covering all major exam areas.
  4. Instant feedback: Each experiment has an automatic validation script, allowing you to immediately know if you’ve completed the task correctly.
  5. AI assistance: LabEx’s AI assistant, Labby, can provide help when you encounter difficulties, which is very useful in the actual learning process.

Practical Exercise

Let’s look at a specific example of how to use LabEx to prepare for the RHCSA exam. Suppose we want to practice a task from the “Managing security” domain: locating and listing files with setuid permissions.

Locate and List Setuid Files

In LabEx, you can find an experiment called “Locate and List Setuid Files.” This experiment will give you a specific task, as follows:


  • Search the entire file system for files with setuid permissions.
  • Save the list of setuid files to a file named setuid_list in your home directory.


  • Execute all commands as the labex user in the /home/labex directory.
  • Use the find command to search for setuid files.
  • Save the output to a file named setuid_list in the /home/labex directory.

You need to enter the correct commands in the provided terminal to complete these tasks. For example:

# Switch to the labex user's home directory
cd /home/labex
# Use the find command to search for setuid files and save the results to a file
sudo find / -type f -perm -4000 > setuid_list
# Verify the file contents
cat setuid_list

Here’s an explanation of this command:

  • sudo: Run the command with root privileges to access all directories.
  • find: Command used to search for files and directories.
  • /: Start searching from the root directory.
  • -type f: Only search for regular files.
  • -perm -4000: Match files with the setuid bit set.
  • > setuid_list: Redirect the output to a file named setuid_list.

After completion, LabEx will automatically check if your operation is correct. If there are errors, it will provide hints to let you know where improvements are needed.

The resulting setuid_list file from this experiment might contain entries similar to the following:


Note that the actual list may vary depending on the system configuration.

Through such practice, you not only learn how to find setuid files but also become familiar with advanced usage of the find command, which is a very useful skill in the RHCSA exam.

Learn more about RHCSA Certification Exam Practice Exercises.

Integrating LabEx with RHCSA Preparation

LabEx provides an ideal platform to simulate the RHCSA exam environment, but to truly increase your chances of passing the exam, we need to use it strategically. Here are some of my suggestions:

  1. Systematic learning: LabEx’s 63 experiments cover all major areas of the RHCSA exam. I recommend completing these experiments in the order of the exam syllabus. This ensures you don’t miss any important knowledge points.
  2. Repeated practice: Don’t be satisfied with completing an experiment just once. For each experiment, I suggest repeating it at least 3 times. The first time you might need to refer to hints, the second time try to complete it independently, and the third time should be done under time pressure, just like in the real exam.
  3. Create a personal cheat sheet: As you complete the experiments, record key commands and steps. This not only helps you review but also trains your ability to quickly find information, which is very important in the actual exam.
  4. Mock exams: After completing all experiments, try to complete a series of randomly selected tasks within 2.5 hours. LabEx’s experiments are well-designed to simulate the difficulty and scope of the real exam.
  5. Utilize the AI assistant: When you encounter difficulties, don’t immediately look at the answers. First, try using LabEx’s AI assistant Labby to get hints. This can train your ability to analyze problems and find solutions.

Exam Day Strategies

Finally, I’d like to share some strategies for the exam day, all based on my extensive practice on LabEx:

  1. Quick overview: After the exam starts, quickly browse all tasks to understand the overall difficulty and time allocation.
  2. Easy tasks first: Start with the most familiar tasks; this builds confidence and saves time.
  3. Check dependencies: Some tasks may be interdependent; be sure to identify these relationships and arrange the order reasonably.
  4. Make good use of system documentation: Remember, you can use the system’s built-in man pages and info documents.
  5. Save regularly: Frequently use the sync command to ensure changes are written to disk.
  6. Time management: Set time limits for each task; if a task takes too long, skip it and come back later.
  7. Careful review: If time allows, check the completion status of each task before submission.
Exam Day Strategies


Preparing for the RHCSA exam is challenging, but with the right tools and strategies, it’s entirely surmountable. LabEx provides an ideal platform to simulate the real exam environment, allowing you to practice critical skills under pressure. Through systematic learning, repeated practice, and strategic preparation, you’ll greatly increase your chances of passing the exam.

Remember, the RHCSA certification is more than just a certificate; it represents your practical ability as a Linux system administrator. The knowledge and skills gained during the preparation process will serve you well throughout your career.

The RHCSA certification opens doors to new opportunities and demonstrates your commitment to professional growth. It validates your ability to perform essential system administration tasks, which is highly valued in today’s IT industry. By using LabEx effectively and following the strategies outlined in this article, you’re not just preparing for an exam — you’re investing in your future as a Linux professional.

As you progress through your preparation, don’t hesitate to engage with the Linux community. Many online forums and discussion groups can provide additional insights and support. Sharing your experiences and learning from others can enrich your understanding and help you approach problems from different angles.

Lastly, maintain a positive attitude throughout your preparation journey. Challenges will arise, but view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Each obstacle overcome is a step closer to your goal. With dedication, consistent practice, and the right resources like LabEx, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the RHCSA exam and emerge as a certified Red Hat System Administrator.

Good luck with your RHCSA certification journey! Remember, the skills you’re developing are not just for passing an exam, but for building a strong foundation in your career as a Linux system administrator. Embrace the learning process, stay curious, and keep pushing your boundaries. Your efforts will undoubtedly pay off, both in the exam and in your professional life.




LabEx is an AI-assisted, hands-on learning platform for tech enthusiasts, covering Programming, Data Science, Linux and other areas.