Manage File Permissions|RHCSA Exam Questions

3 min readSep 3, 2024





In Linux systems, file permissions are crucial for controlling access to files and directories. This challenge will test your ability to manipulate file permissions using the chmod command, which is an essential skill for system administrators and Linux users.


LabEx uses Red Hat Universal Base Image 9 (UBI9) to simulate the exam environment. It may not be identical to the actual RHCSA exam environment, but it provides a good representation of the tasks you’ll encounter.

There are two users in the environment:

  • labex: A standard user with sudo privileges, password: labex.
  • root: The system administrator, password: redhat.

The challenge features real exam questions, along with explanations, requirements, and automated verification scripts to help you confirm task completion. It effectively simulates the knowledge areas covered in the RHCSA exam.

Create and Modify File Permissions


  1. Create a new file named perm_file1 in the /home/labex directory.
  2. Set initial read permissions for owner, group, and other.
  3. Add execute permission for the owner and write permissions for group and other.
  4. Revoke the write bit from other (public).
  5. Assign read, write, and execute bits to all three user categories simultaneously.
  6. Revoke write permission from the owning group and revoke both write and execute bits from other (public).


  • All operations must be performed in the /home/labex directory.
  • Use the touch command to create the file.
  • Use the chmod command with both symbolic and octal notation to modify permissions as follows:
  1. Initially set permissions to read-only (444) for all user categories.
  2. Use symbolic notation for all subsequent permission changes.
  3. The final permissions for perm_file1 should be:
  • Owner: read, write, and execute (rwx)
  • Group: read and execute (r-x)
  • Other: read only (r — )


After completing all tasks, when you run ls -l perm_file1, the output should look like this:

-rwxr-xr-- 1 labex labex 0 Aug 28 07:14 perm_file1


In this challenge, you learned how to manage file permissions in Linux using the chmod command. You practiced creating a file and modifying its permissions using both symbolic and octal notation. This skill is crucial for system administration and maintaining proper security in Linux environments. By completing this challenge, you have demonstrated your ability to set specific permissions for different user categories (owner, group, and other) and understand how to add or remove individual permission bits as needed.

The key aspects of this challenge include:

  1. Creating a file using the touch command
  2. Using chmod with octal notation (444) to set initial permissions
  3. Using chmod with symbolic notation to add and remove specific permissions
  4. Understanding how to modify permissions for owner, group, and others separately
  5. Achieving a specific final permission state through a series of chmod commands

This challenge reinforces the importance of precise permission management in Linux systems and provides practical experience in using the chmod command effectively.

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